Sunday, July 16, 2006


Baby Boomer Facts You May Not Know

Welcome to Older-Americaville to Presidents Bush & Clinton, Cher, Donald Trump, Dolly Parton, Sylvester Stallone

Dec. 12, 2005 - In 2006, the oldest of the baby boomers, the generation born between 1946 and 1964, will turn 60 years old. Among the Americans celebrating their 60th will be our two most recent presidents, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. Other well-known celebrities reaching this milestone include Cher, Donald Trump, Sylvester Stallone and Dolly Parton. To commemorate this occasion, the Census Bureau has compiled a collection of facts relating to, perhaps, our most celebrated generation.

78.2 million:
Estimated number of baby boomers, as of July 1, 2005.

Number of people turning 60 each day in 2006, according to projections. That amounts to 330 every hour.

James & Mary:
The most popular baby names for boys and girls, respectively, in 1946. Today, the names Jacob and Emily lead the list; James ranks 17th among boys and Mary is 63rd among girls. (Source: Social Security Administration, at )

50.8 percent:
Percentage of women baby boomers in 2005.

9.1 million:
Estimated number of baby boomers in 2004 who were black.

32 percent:
Proportion of Alaska's population that was part of the baby boom generation, as of the last census. Baby boomers also comprised 30 percent or more of the population in New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. In contrast, Utah (23 percent) was the only state where baby boomers constituted less than 25 percent.

Then and Now -- 141.4 million:
Estimated U.S. population in 1946. Today, the nation's population stands at 297.7 million. and

33 percent and 5 percent:
The proportions of adults age 25 and older with at least a high school diploma and at least a bachelor's degree, respectively, in 1947. By 2004, the respective proportions had risen to 85 percent and 28 percent.

The Future-- $2,695:
Average annual expenditures on health care in 2004 for people ages 45 to 54 the age group that is the heart of the baby boom generation. When budgeting medical expenses, baby boomers should expect increased health-care spending as they age; for instance, those age 55 to 64 spent $3,262 and those 65 and over, $3,899. (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics at )

57.8 million:
Number of baby boomers living in 2030, according to projections; 54.9 percent would be female. That year, boomers would be between ages 66 and 84.

The number of workers for each Social Security beneficiary in 2031, when all baby boomers will be over age 65. Currently, there are 3.3 workers for each Social Security beneficiary. (Source: Social Security Administration, at )

Number of continuing care retirement facilities in 2003. Many boomers could have parents in need of such facilities or may have to move into such a facility themselves in the future.

Staying Young and Fit: 27,813
Number of fitness and recreation centers nationwide in 2003. These are good places to visit on a regular basis for boomers who are trying to become or stay physically fit.

Number of cosmetics, beauty supply and perfume stores in 2003. These stores carry numerous antiaging skin care products aimed at people in this age group.

"Special Editions" of the U.S. Census Bureau's Facts for Features are issued to provide background information for less known observances, anniversaries of historic events and other timely topics in the news.